zaterdag 27 maart 2010

Interview met enkele leerkrachten

Mrs. Vasanthi (37)

- How did you become a teacher at MTHS?

After I raised my children, I applied for the job.

- What subjects do you teach?

English, Maths, Natural Science

- Do you have a favourite topic you like to teach?

Environment (for example global warming).

- Do you have other tasks in school?

Arrange the examinations.

- How is your relation with the other teachers?

They are like family.

- Why did you want to become a teacher?

I feel I should guide children into good human beings.

- What do you think is important when working with children?

Loving each other.

- What is your opinion on the hitting?

Kind words will correct the child; hitting creates violence.

- Do you have a life motto?

(to her students) Whatever duties you have to do, do them in time, because afterwards time won’t come back.

Mr. Edward (28)

- How did you become a teacher at MTHS?

My uncle knew the principal well…

- What subjects do you teach?

English, Social Science (History and Civics).

- Do you have a favourite topic you like to teach?

Freedom struggle.

- Do you have other tasks in school?

Arrange symposia (debat).

- How is your relation with the other teachers?

They’re like family relatives, like brothers and sisters.

- Why did you want to become a teacher?

I got inspired by my teachers in the 4th and 5th standard. When I came home I pretended being a teacher, teaching and shouting with a ruler, but without any students.

- What do you think is important when working with children?

Make everybody good, not only the smart students.

- What is your opinion on the hitting?

If you don’t do it, you see a lot of them going the wrong way in life. By hitting them we discipline them, keep them under control.

- Do you have a life motto?

Life is a ball. Hit the ball correctly and achieve your goal.

Mrs. Begam (40)

- How did you become a teacher at MTHS?

My mother-in-law lived in this neighbourhood so I also stayed here.

- What subjects do you teach?

Natural Science, English.

- Do you have a favourite topic you like to teach?

No, I like everything.

- Do you have other tasks in school?

Arrange literary association (for example creative writing).

- How is your relation with the other teachers?

They’re friends, like brothers and sisters.

- Why did you want to become a teacher?

I liked teachers when I was a small child.

- What do you think is important when working with children?

That we don’t teach the same every year, but new things.

- What is your opinion on the hitting?

Threaten them with a stick is enough, so hitting is not necessary.

- Do you have a life motto?

Life is an ocean; you want to learn to swim.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Nu de VRT toch aan het besparen is, moeten jullie jullie reportages daar toch eens voorleggen, hoor! Schitterend.

  2. Inspirerende interviews ... vooral hun 'life motto' zindert na ...
    X Auntie
